Legal Protection For Wronged Employees

I stand up for your right to a safe and fair workplace.

Employment law representation In Santa Barbara, California


Disability Accommodation

Age Discrimination



Hostile Work Environment

The Legal Leverage You Need

When you have a legal issue against your employer, you are already in a vulnerable position. And when those issues reflect a deliberate attempt by that employer to violate your rights, you are not likely to find an ally on the inside. You need an attorney who can push back against the actions of employers who have significant resources on their side to suppress your claim. At the Law Offices of David S. Secrest, I stand up for your rights and seek justice when you have been mistreated at work.

More Than 20 Years Of Fighting For Employees

When you have a legal issue against your employer, you are already in a vulnerable position. And when those issues reflect a deliberate attempt by that employer to violate your rights, you are not likely to find an ally on the inside. You need an attorney who can push back against the actions of employers who have significant resources on their side to suppress your claim. At the Law Offices of David S. Secrest, I stand up for your rights and seek justice when you have been mistreated at work.