Defend Your Rights At Work

A Staunch Advocate For California Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers provide an invaluable service to the public by revealing wrongdoing. Unfortunately, employers often use their power to punish whistleblowers via wrongful demotion, reassignment or termination. If you need to blow the whistle or you have already done so, you have the right to legal protection.

This is exactly what I provide. At my law firm, Law Offices of David S. Secrest, I advocate for the rights of workers throughout California. With more than 20 years of experience to my name, I can help you navigate the many complex regulations involved in whistleblower and qui tam law as I seek maximum compensation for your damages.

California Whistleblower Law: What To Know

Our state is notable in that it protects whistleblowers in both the public and private sectors. The California False Claims Act allows employees to file qui tam lawsuits against their employers, similar to how government employees may file suits on behalf of public entities against someone who misused government funds.

Employers may not retaliate against employees for reporting unlawful or unethical activity or trying to stop it. In some instances, individuals who retaliate against someone on behalf of the employer may even face misdemeanor criminal charges.

Learn Your Options And Recover Compensation

Deciding to blow the whistle is never easy. But in me, you have a strong ally. When you speak with me, I can help you understand your options under the law and avoid punitive action. We will decide the best steps to put an end to the wrongdoing you witnessed.

Get Help From A Whistleblower Attorney Today

You do not have to undertake the daunting task of whistleblowing on your own. Reach out to me at my office in Santa Barbara to talk it over with me. To reach me for an initial consultation, call 805-308-7470 or send me an email.