The end of the year is here, and with it comes your end of year performance appraisal. In theory, this is an opportunity for you to obtain constructive feedback and learn ways to improve your performance in the year to come. Yet, performance appraisals aren’t all that...
Age Discrimination
Four steps to take after facing age discrimination
In many instances, workers aged 40 and older have workplace protections that shield them from being treated differently because of their age. If you fall into this age group, then your employer can’t demote, reassign, reduce your pay or terminate you simply because...
Six key considerations in a workplace discrimination case
Workplace discrimination continues to run rampant in workplaces across our country. Those who are subjected to it are treated unfairly and oftentimes experience adverse employment actions as a result. This includes demotion, reassignment, lost hours and even...
AI presents a new discriminatory hurdle in the job market
A growing number of employers are relying on artificial intelligence to help them find employees. This new technology could have some advantages, but it also presents some potential problems. One is the possibility of unlawful discrimination. In California, there is a...
Proving your age discrimination case
Many California workers enjoy their jobs and have had long and fulfilling careers. If this is your situation, you may feel lucky to have had such a rewarding career experience. However, as you get older, you might start to notice changes. Perhaps you notice other,...
Here’s the true impact of workplace discrimination
Workplace discrimination continues to run rampant in California. Employees are frequently treated unfairly because of their age, race, gender, ethnicity, and sexual identity. As a result, these workers face tremendous consequences that can impact their careers and...
Have you been subjected to these signs of age discrimination?
Regardless of your age, you should enjoy equal employment opportunities. This means that when it comes to hiring, promoting, assigning work, and terminating, your employer should rely on your merits and your compliance with company policies rather than your age. Yet,...
Understanding disparate impact and disparate treatment discrimination
Federal law prohibits employment discrimination in the workplace on the basis of a worker's race, sex, religion, national origin and several other protected factors. California has its own protections on top of these. This has been the case for many years, and yet we...
Mistakes to avoid in your employment law case
If you feel like you’ve been wronged in the workplace, whether through discrimination, harassment or retaliation, then you might be considering legal action. After all, suing your employer may be the only way to find accountability and recover the compensation that...
The problem of age discrimination is garnering more attention
California workers are becoming increasingly willing to complain about workplace mistreatment and illegal behaviors. That is often connected to sexual harassment and various forms of discrimination. Sexual harassment has come to the forefront as part of the “me too”...